Within the fantasy genre, where imagination is unbounded, the DiamondFairyBunny is a particularly alluring and engaging character. Both young and young at heart are enthralled with...
THE SIDE EFFECTS OF BREAST CANCER TREATMENT Remember the movie “The Fly” with Jeff Goldblum? Came out in 1986 or so. There was a scene after...
In the vast and varied landscape of internet culture, new trends and subcultures emerge with surprising frequency. One such phenomenon that has recently gained traction is...
Few inventions in the fast-developing field of technology can completely change the game like AOOMAAL. Using cutting-edge technology to provide unmatched solutions across a range of...
Some inventions stick out in the often-changing field of technology as game-changers, pushing the envelope of what is thought to be feasible. AWm99X is one such...
THE #1 WAY TO KNOW IF YOU HAVE BREAST CANCER Breast cancer and pink ribbons have become as much a part of the autumn landscape as...
This post was originally written in 2012. It has been expanded and updated as necessary.** SUPER SURVIVOR KNOW-IT-ALL AKA BEEN THERE DONE THAT, THIS WILL BE...
Going to the oncologist/cancer center can take a long time The one thing I wasn’t quite prepared for was the length of time I would end...
50 AFFIRMATIONS FOR BREAST CANCER SURVIVORS Going through breast cancer treatment is very hard. Adjusting to life after breast cancer can be pretty difficult too. One...
What’s a girl to do with all those pink ribbon/breast cancer awareness shirts? I’m a survivor who happened to already have a long love affair with...