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What’s a girl to do with all those pink ribbon/breast cancer awareness shirts?

I’m a survivor who happened to already have a long love affair with pink… before I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I run into survivors all the time who simply are sick of pink things. I empathize with them but I honestly cannot relate because pink has been my favorite color as long as I can remember. Sometimes it can be overkill… but that happens rarely for me.
However, what I have noticed is that I’ve got an abundance of pink ribbon/breast cancer awareness t-shirts that I actually rarely wear outside of my home. we receive shirts at a variety of events, fundraisers, and even as gifts. I love them all and I wear them all. I also own a t-shirt shop ( In my shop I sell a lot of shirts, not all breast cancer related. However, being a curvy girl, I’m sensitive to how I look in boxy generic shaped t-shirts. To that end, I offer my designs on shirts that are more feminine in cut and curvy girl mindful. (smile)
One of my favorite shirts is probably the most “out there” statement shirt that I offer. As I was planning an outfit for an upcoming event, I realized that maybe I should share my ideas for rocking pink ribbon gear in style.
I’m not a stylist (by any stretch of the imagination) but just 2 minutes of thought into how you pull together your t-shirt, jeans and sneakers can make a difference between looking like a frumpy chick and looking like a hot mama. We’re going for hot mama status.

Tips for styling your pink ribbon gear

Start with the right t-shirt size.

I know that when we participate in those breast cancer events the t-shirts are usually the very boxy unisex style that really only look good on like 2% of the people. The rest of us are either swimming in too much shirt or it’s tight looking and uncomfortable. Start with the basics – be sure to get the correct size.  If you know that you’re going to do a crafty DIY to your shirt, get a bigger size than normal. It will help when you do some of the crafts.

Get comfortable making adjustments to your t-shirts.

I am NOT  a crafty-DIYer however, I have learned a lot (thanks youtube!) about how to easily make a t-shirt your own style and design. Check out these videos for help in taking that boxy shirt and turning it into something more fitting and feminine looking. Try this video, this video, or this video for ideas and instructions to deconstruct your shirts and make them into something pretty cute and unique for you.

Buy tshirts that are more feminine in structure and with softer fabric.

I know.. spending money on t-shirts when you probably get a ton of them for free seems counterproductive. But the truth is those boxy free shirts probably just look awful on you. Sorry. Part of the reason why I usually only wear mine at home is that they don’t give the “look” I want to carry out in public. I’m a survivor but I still want to look fabulous when I go out. Look for shirts with lower necklines – u necks, v necks or even tank tops. If you’re a curvy girl like me, look for shirts with very stretchable fabric (usually with some sort of blend of cotton and polyester or rayon) and a soft weave, it will drape your body much better than a 100% cotton shirt. (The Audacity Tee shirt below is a blend with a soft drape and a very forgiving structure that looks quite feminine on).

Accessorize, accentuate and step it up.

Part of the joy of regaining my feelings of femininity was feeling comfortable again wearing accessories and putting together my look.. instead of wearing clothes just because they were clean and gave access to bandages and such. My lymphedema keeps me from wearing rings, bracelets or watches on my left arm. BUT… my right arm is still available. I rock my engagement ring on my right hand and lately I’ve been stacking my pink ribbon bracelets and my charm bracelet. Choose pants (or skirts) that are flattering on your figure. Stop hiding in baggy ill-fitting clothes. My accessories of choice are bracelets and big hoop earrings. But you can rock dangling earrings and scarves, choker necklaces or anything that makes you feel fabulous. I used to love wearing heels, but I don’t wear them much anymore. However, wedge sneakers give me the feeling of heels but with the comfortably easy going look I love. The look below could also workk with some loafers, mocassins, jazzy flats, or some classic sneakers. It’s up to you.

Wear coordinated outerwear when possible.

It is so amazing how much of a difference it makes when your jacket, sweater, coat coordinates with your outfit. It goes so far in pulling everything together. Now, I know a lot of folks will not feel comfortable wearing a hot pink leather jacket… but you could wear black and it would still look nice. I would probably rock a nice charcoal gray fitted jacket or a white motorcycle jacket with the look below.

Dress for your diagnosis/side effects.

I have lymphedema and I wear a compression sleeve daily. While I do wear short sleeves and sometimes sleeveless shirts I tend to default to long sleeves with something I have on, just to be comfortable. If you have lymphedema like I do, be careful with wearing jackets that are too tight on your arm (this one below is cute but I’d definitely get it in maybe 2 sizes larger just to accommodate my arm). I don’t like wearing boxy looking jackets (even though they tend to be more comfortable on my arm) because they make me look too wide. I like jackets that stop at my waist or jackets with a peplum or some type of waist accent.

Final Thoughts

This outfit is one that I would easily wear on a movie date with my fiance, or to run some errands. I have worn a similar look to give a talk to college students about breast cancer. It’s all about how you pull it all together and then how your attitude carries the day.
All of the items can be purchased via the links below. Some items are affiliate links (commission), some are not. But I included them to make it easier for you. Just in case you thought this was a nice look for you. (No worries, we won’t be twinsies… I promise)
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